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Template : mrsmyungyeol
Inspired : Arrien Inspirit
Tutobies : Inspiriteu
Best Views:Infiniteu
Owner: Jaiho

true love never gets old
Thursday, June 21, 2012 • 9:40 PM • 1 eLement{s}
Greeting Text

sweet couple forever and ever . macam nie ke ?

ngeheehe , macam sweet je kan . walau pown dah tua , still kasih sayang tak pernah hilang . tapi sekarang nie tengok orang orang tua , makin dah tua , makin dah tadak kemesraan . right ? nie saya cakap untuk 'kebanyakan' orang sebab kadang-kadang tue ada jugak yang walau pown dah tua pown masih lagi sayang menyayangi suami isteri :) ngeehehe .

one fine day , selepas saja akad nikah nanti kan, saya nak sampai bila-bila pown macam nie sehingga tua . i mean , kekal kasih sayang dari hari pertama akad nikah sampai lah akhir hayat . insyAllah !

I love seeing old couples that are still very much in love & sweet with each other.
It makes me happy 
knowing that there are really those who fight for their love until the very end.
and it gives me a sense of hope !
A certain assurance that happily ever afters are not only for a fairy tales :)

k , bubyeee .


Blogger najiha said...

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June 25, 2012 at 12:10 AM  

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