j a i h o
☂ Never Be Replace


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As'salam & annyeonghaseyo.
You've stuck in my unprivate diary. So please be nice here or i call My Superman to KILL you !


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Template : mrsmyungyeol
Inspired : Arrien Inspirit
Tutobies : Inspiriteu
Best Views:Infiniteu
Owner: Jaiho

follow your heart ?
Monday, December 24, 2012 • 9:58 PM • 0 eLement{s}
Greeting Text


I'm afraid to be happy, because whenever I get too happy, 
something bad always happens. tapi semua tue ketentuan tuhan kan.
 itu lah yang dinamakan takdir :)


Kalau kita sukakan seseorang, jangan beritahu si dia..
Nanti Allah kurangkan rasa cinta padanya...

Tapi luahkan pada Allah,beritahulah Allah...
Allah Maha mengetahui siapa jodoh kita ..

Cintai Dia Dalam Diam,
Dari Kejauhan Dengan Kesederhanaan & Keikhlasan...

"Then when you have taken a decision, put your trust in Allah."
[ Surah Al-'Imran ; 159 ]